Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cribs & Shower Invites & Steals---Oh my!

The Baby Bargains books that I mentioned before has been my favorite purchase "for the baby" so far. It eases all of my feelings of being overwhelmed while sorting through consumer reviews and researching companies to determine if their products are safe enough for my little one. Look no further than Baby Bargains! They break everything down simply, take the consensus of consumer reviews without being swayed by the major (and minor) baby gear companies, list pros and cons, the average price range for that company, and give a rating afterward so that you can shop with a clear conscience. Oh, I love it so.

After what felt like years of searching through countless brands of cribs (which is what I decided to take first after receiving my little piece of heaven in the mail) I have at last made an executive decision. At first, I had planned on purchasing a crib that had the changing table attached with a drawer or two underneath. The more I looked at them, the more I realized that they aren't my style. We aren't that strapped for space that we need an all-in-one. Besides, I love the look of an entire furniture collection that my son can use throughout his adolescence. We decided to get the following:

Da Vinci Kalani in Espresso.

Since we will not be going with a crib that has the changing table attached, we have opted for an additional piece from the Da Vinci Kalani collection. I am in love with the changing table/dresser. It will look elegant as a changing table, while remaining practical for when a changing table is no longer needed and Max can use it as a dresser.

The next step is to order it. Of course, when I finally decide to make a decision, the changing table/dresser is out of stock! Grrrr. I will order the crib next week and have to wait to order the changing table/dresser. Either way, they won't be set up unti mid-April when we tackle the nursery anyway.

Because I was on a roll with making definite choices of items that I doubted before, I have also decided to go with my first choice crib bedding. Also, because I'm on a "do it yourself" idea-kick, I plan to make a trip to Michaels and get the wooden wall letters for Max's room, and incorporate the stars, polka dots and maybe even some other elements onto them. I'm so excited to begin this project! I'm anxiously holding off until the bedding collection comes in so that I can match the paint for the wall letters more closely with the colors in the collection. Ahhh! Why must I have to be patient for everything!? (Oh, and do you find it ironic that the photo I have of the bedding set is showcased in espresso furniture too? I think not. I'm going to go with destiny!)

Planning for Max's arrival sure is a grand ol' time, even if I have to resort to window shopping at certain times. Err... more like browsing the web. I'm not stepping foot out of this house voluntarily until the awful snow melts. Hey, it's scary to walk around in the big, bad world when my center of gravity of whacky and I'm lugging around an extra 15 pounds! So, because I am in love with small details, I began looking for my birth announcements and bridal shower invitations incredibly early. People may vouch that invitations don't matter, since most people throw them away anyway and therefore you are literally throwing money in the trash can. HOWEVER.... I am in a firm believer in "the little details often times make the biggest impression". I spent more money on my wedding invitations than I care to mention, but I had amazing feedback on them. I haven't put together my scrapbook from all the showers, planning and wedding, but I still look fondly upon those invitations, and the stationary that I used for the reception place cards, cards for the poem and the lottery ticket and the table "numbers" (which were actually our favorite songs that we listen to together) They certainly were never a waste in my mind.

So, on that note.... the following is what I have narrowed the choices down to in no particular order:

Choice number 1. Though a bit too fantasy for me and perhaps a little snotty, but I do think it's adorable.

Choice number 2. I think this invitation is so cool. I love that you are able to include my own sonogram picture, and with the 3D/4D ultrasound session (round number too, now that I'm further along!) I think would be nifty to include. With more fat on the baby and his features more defined, there will be a more clear image as to what he will look like, for all those other impatient people out there!

Choice number 3. I love the black and white used in this photo of the "sample girl". It's simple, not over-done and she looks gorgeous. Of course, if I were to choose this particular invitation, I would want to have my maternity shots taken soon, or at least a few from a decent camera rather than my dinky little FugiFilm. (No offense to my dinky little Fugi! She has served me well throughout the last few years! She just lacks variety and options!)

The baby shower is expected to be held the 3rd week of April. 5 weeks out from my due date. Next, I need to work on the guest list, and make it short enough so that I don't overwhelm my gracious host (Mom), but long enough to include those that I would love to see and spend time with while I still have the energy to make myself look decent. Then again... even that is beginning to fade! Because I absolutely love parties and get togethers, I plan to host my own "Greet The Baby" party after Max is born. At least at this one I'll be able to have a drink or two! *wink*

Friday, February 26, 2010

Death Is Only The Beginning to Immortality.

Grandma, also known as G-Ma, was the strongest woman that I had ever meant. Despite her hardships in her life, she weathered through the storm and always came out the other end in the sunshine. She appreciated the simple things in life, like family, friends and feeding her birds and cuddling with her Chihuahua. (and feeding her scraps of everything under the sun! Brandy is a fat little thing) I'll never forget the times where I sat down with her and she told me stories about the "old days". Her body may have been failing her, but her memories and mind never faltered. Though I'm saddened that my son will never meet this amazing woman, I am grateful for the time that she held onto life. Without a doubt, I will miss seeing her and her comments on my progressively larger belly, yet I know that she is in a better place where her suffering and pain has ended. May Grandma rest in peace for all of eternity. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Holy Guacamole! (mmm.... guacamole...)

I will do most anything to procrastinate taking a math quiz.
Tonight was no different, as I prepared to go take my quiz and then head to see Elvis's grandmother afterward, I was snapping belly pics left and right. As I looked through them, I realized how much baggage I carry under my eyes. If this is any inclination as to what they will look like after Max is born, I am in for a lot of spa treatments and cucumbers.

I've also found that recently, I hate my smile. It makes me face look fat, and the bags more noticeable. Hence, why I have posted two pictures. One without the smile, looking very snobbish, and one with a half smile, looking forced. Either way, they are belly pics and mandatory for a blog that is surrounding my, well, belly.

Birth Plans Begin

The book on my nightstand is "Your Best Birth" by Ricki Lake and Abbey Epstein. I meant to pick it up prior to my 3rd trimester, but until two-ish weeks ago, I naturally figured that I would do what the majority of mothers-to-be choose, which is to be in a hospital. However, I hadn't thought of the dreams that I chalked up to insecurities and irrational fears prior to creating a birth plan. The dream, you ask? I would go into labor and rush to the hospital. In my dream, there would be a lengthy period of where all was black. I would "wake up", not always in the hospital anymore, and someone would be holding my baby. I couldn't recall what had happened and I didn't remember giving birth. It was as if it never happened, except for the simple fact that I was no longer pregnant and my son was breathing outside of the womb. Even in the dream, I was devastated beyond words that I had missed the birth of my child.

When I was halfway into "Your Best Birth", I've out two and two together. It's not necessarily the fear of the pain of the birth process that gives me the anxiety--- it is the fear of the hospital, and hospital protocols when my labor isn't progressing "fast enough" for them. Despite being such a developed country, American hospital have the worlds second high infant mortality rate in the modern world. In addition, a third of all births are delivered by Caesarean, leaving many women feeling as if it was an unnecessary procedure. {This is generally speaking, of course. Not all women have bad experiences in hospitals, or feel that their C-Section was unnecessary. Because, let's face it, sometimes your plan doesn't work out and a C-section is the healthiest way to go for mother and baby. No one can argue that.} Instantly, when you tell someone who is unfamiliar with birthing centers or home births, they are turned off to the idea, automatically claiming that "They're so dangerous!" If you are high risk due to a number of different factors, then yes, it may be too risky for a midwife to take your birth on. However, if you are a seemingly healthy, non-high risk patient, there are endless possibilities on how to make the birth of your child your own.

Interesting. Women in the Netherlands, for example, do not necessarily fear the pain of birth. For them, it is a natural process. Rather than fear the pain, they prepare themselves on how to manage it with the help and support of their birth team. Stress causes labor to be stalled, so these women focus on staying calm. With the right amount of research, considering and planning, I'm finding that a home birth or a birthing center is what is best for me, assuming that nothing comes up that would cause alarm in the next 3 months.

That being said, I am going to look to find birthing centers in Columbus, and hope to find one. Per the book and other sources, freestanding birthing centers that also have authority in a hospital {if something were to go wrong, or I found I couldn't handle the pain like I had thought} are scarce. Perhaps after my research begins, I may find that I don't have much of a choice. I'm praying, though!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Joys of Baby Bedding Conflicts

The decorator in me began looking at bedding collections and nursery decor when I was a mere 12 weeks pregnant. I'm picky about the nursery theme. I wanted something that was unique, that didn't look as if a stork had puked all over the room. My adoration for polka dots is no secret, so I don't think I surprised anyone when I decided that I wanted to incorporate polka dots into the theme.

I came across this:

What an excitingly perfect theme! One that he could grow into as his convertible crib has been made into a toddler bed. I was certain that was what I was going to buy. To avoid torturing myself, I vowed not to buy a single item from the collection until Elvis and I were ready to start the nursery. But then... after months of staring at it and daydreaming, I began to doubt my choice. I browsed other collections, and still had yet to find one that stuck out as much as this one had that was also a compromise to Elvis's taste. (The forbidden animal theme. Ugh. How more overdone and cliche can you get? No offense to animal-theme lovers)

Then this little number came into my life and I think I may be in love.

Now that.... THAT is a perfect combination. Vibrant colors, polka dots and animals. I was such a proud mom to be that I had overcome hormones and "No! I want this and only this! I want my way and I want it now!" and found something spectacular. Much to my dismay, Elvis is still stuck on the rainforest theme. Is it my taste? No. Is it cute? Sure. Elvis reminds me that it's not my room.

Um, excuse me. I beg to differ. Try asking our unborn son what he would like as a nursery theme, and I can guarantee that it won't care if there was not a theme to begin with, so long as he had a warm bed, a clean diaper and a full stomach.

Behold the rainforest.

Given the three choices, what would YOU pick? Perhaps the consensus of an outside party will alas help us to make our difficult decision.

Thursday, February 18, 2010 = Bad Influence

I always knew that Amazon had a very special hold on me. It's like thrifting in the comfort of your own home. (Considering I'm about to enter the third trimester, and the "uncomfortable" zone, thrifting via the computer is a Godsend!) I'll admit it--- I once had an addiction. I went through a period where I was ordering books off of Amazon, sometimes multiples at a time, at least once or twice a week. What better option that the buy used for an incredibly, unbelievable low price for a newly released book? I love getting packages in the mail. It's like Christmas. Even though I bought the presents and sent them to myself. Anyway, I hadn't ventured on in ages.

My fellow pregnant friend (which, come to think of it, this is her 2nd appearance in my blog. We should give her a nickname.) and I were discussing the benefits of having the book "Baby Bargains", which contains every piece of information that I could possibly imagine for a company that produces baby items. My main concern, and the sole reason of wanting to own the book, is because I don't want to spend money on big ticket items, like a travel system, if I am buying junk. (Junk that is made to look fancy, upholstered with adorable fabric or finishing spray and made to look... well... NOT like junk in the beginning) I want the items to last as long as they possibly can. Not to mention wanting the best in safety. I've heard Baby Bargains is the way to go.

Oh, it felt like nirvana when I was ordering something off Amazon again.

But Amazon says "Wait! There's more! We recommended all of these items for you!" What do I find? I find bedding collections, nursery decor, parenting books, infant toys... Now, I can totally understand how expectant mothers, especially those who dare not face the cold January weather, go overboard when shopping online. BUT! I'm patting myself on the back for resisting the urge, and putting my debit card safely back into it's slot in my wallet where it belongs.

Too bad. All of that baby goodness would have looked darling in his nursery. Or rather, would have been a fantastic starting point for his nursery to begin. :D

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Belly Laughs? Not So Much.....

A fellow pregnant friend has been recommending reading "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy practically since we've found out that we would be pregnant together. She raved about how witty and hilarious the book was. Eager to finally get out of this igloo, I ventured to the library yesterday. (And paid my fees! Woohoo!) Since it was clear that the snow would not let up and the snow drifts would continue to make my house and the rest of the area resemble Narnia, I snuggled up with my two furbabies and cracked the book. (Note: Stella falling fast asleep before it began should have given me an inclination of how it would go)

All in all, the book is only 165 pages. The chapters, if you can call them chapters, are often 2-3 pages long, which will end in the beginning or middle of the page, starting the next "new" chapter on the following page. So, 165 pages is deceiving.

I took me a total of under two hours to read the entire book. At the end of the two-ish hours, I was reminded even more so why I don't like Jenny McCarthy. The book consisted of her attempts at being blunt and vulgar, while saying "the truth" about pregnancy. Clearly, she didn't have while pregnant, because what she had written was PG compared to the tell-all I've seen on the message forum. I don't think that she is as blunt and "vulgar" as she thinks she is, and adding a few curse words to each sentence or page doesn't make it funny, it makes her look desperate. Need I mentioned the over-used cliche phrases? Ugh. They drove me nuts.

I'll end on the fact that throughout the book she continued to refer to her celebrity status. Ok, I get it. The book was written in 2002, yet even then she wasn't an A-list celebrity that she believed herself to be. I picked up Tori Spelling's "Mommywood" yesterday as well, and started on that. It was far more up my alley.

/book critic over and out.