Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Holy Guacamole! (mmm.... guacamole...)

I will do most anything to procrastinate taking a math quiz.
Tonight was no different, as I prepared to go take my quiz and then head to see Elvis's grandmother afterward, I was snapping belly pics left and right. As I looked through them, I realized how much baggage I carry under my eyes. If this is any inclination as to what they will look like after Max is born, I am in for a lot of spa treatments and cucumbers.

I've also found that recently, I hate my smile. It makes me face look fat, and the bags more noticeable. Hence, why I have posted two pictures. One without the smile, looking very snobbish, and one with a half smile, looking forced. Either way, they are belly pics and mandatory for a blog that is surrounding my, well, belly.